In July 2016 the Conference of Irish Historians in Britain meets to discuss the theme of ‘Irish Revolutions’. To mark the centenary of the 1916 Rising, we have asked friends and colleagues to contribute to a series of squibs on the ideas, events and legacy of that year. After Easter the posts will turn to the Somme and wider transformations of the First World War. Our aim is to bring insights from recent research to the public commemoration of 1916, and we have encouraged our contributors to be as provocative and as opinionated as they like.
- Remembering 1916 at the Ulster Museum
- Turning to the past: global contexts for the 2016 commemorations
- The Other 1916
- What if the 16th (Irish) and 36th (Ulster) Divisions had swapped places on the Somme?
- Instant History: Ulstermen at the Somme, July 1916
- The names that stilled her childish play: the women of 1916 and the women of ‘98
- The Easter Rising and India
- “‘an extraordinary secretary bird’: writing, history and Roger Casement’
- Revisionism Revised – by Revisionists
- Revising the Rising Revised
- Dressing-up and Make Believe
- Democracy and the Right to Resist in the Ulster Covenant and Proclamation of the Irish Republic
- Republican theory, Irish practice
- Why every school in the Republic of Ireland should be presented a copy of Eoin MacNeill’s 1916 Memorandum
- ‘The Darkest Blot on Ireland’s History’: the Easter Rising, the Executions and Scottish Newspaper Reportage
- 1916 and ‘Anti-Imperialism’
- 1916: Red Rag to John Bull
- Temporality and Legitimacy in Violent Conflicts: 1916 in Contemporary Context
- The Forgotten Inhabitants of Kilmainham Gaol, 1916
- Party Like It’s 1991
- Terror at the GPO
- Did Constance Markievicz Shoot the Policeman?